Monday, April 16, 2007

Jim's Column

It’s shocking, but we seriously have like three weeks of school left. Can you believe it? At times it feels like the year has dragged on forever, but most of the time it seems like it just got started. Still, all good things must come to an end, and when they do it means one thing: it’s time to get a summer job.

I’m not sure how many of you have been struggling with this problem, but it’s been plaguing me for the last month or so. I need to work over the summer so I can enjoy a job-free school year (they really are great), but that means working far in advance to ensure I have an actual job lined up for me. It’s really no good to start in the middle of July.

Pulling off a job-searching mission isn’t the easiest thing to do, however, when you’re stationed in Chambana and your job is at home. I picked up a bunch of applications over Easter weekend and had my sister turn them in for me. I had the luck of being called for an interview on Tuesday, but that just meant I had to go home again for the interview. So, I went home two weekends in a row, making me even more thankful that I live only about 40 minutes away.

The interview went pretty well, but now I’m sitting in that limbo between the interview and the call letting you know exactly what’s up with your job status. Hopefully this one works out and I can be done, but if not, it’s time to try again. That means going back home next weekend to put in even more applications. Hurray! It’s a sign that you really are getting older when thinking about the summer stresses you out almost as much as being in school.

James Vandeberg

(Photo is courtesy of Google Images)

1 comment:

Josh Gerdes said...

I sympathize. As a Computer Science major, it is very important to my future job prospects that I find a summer internship. The interview process was very stressful, but somehow I succeeded. Unfortunately, my internship only has a housing stipend as payment, but it still promises to be an exciting experience and to look good on my resume!