Tuesday, February 24, 2009

KCSA Mtg at Papa Dell's this Wed Feb 25 6pm

Pizza Pizza Pizza! Come stuff your face in your February finest! Our monthly meeting will be taking place at Papa Del's on Green Street on February 25th (Wednesday). Meet outside the restaurant at 6pm, be sure to bring a few bucks for the pizza, and get to know your fellow KCSA members. See you then! Mmmmmmmmmmmm

Monday, February 9, 2009

KCSA Notes- 2/9/09

KCSA Notes- 2/9/09

If you missed the TOURS DEPARTMENT TRAINING FOR TOUR GUIDES….. DON'T FREAK OUT!!!! Since the tours department is always on the search for fabulous tour guides (or directors), we are continually training. If you would still like to be trained, email the tours department at
TOURS-KCSA@KCPA.EDU and a training time can be set up then. ORRRRRR if you are available on TUESDAY MORNINGS AT 9:00 AM, the TOURS department has office hours and are able and willing to train then!!!! And as always, The TOURS department needs TOUR GUIDES! Being a tour guide is a great way to work on your public speaking skills as well as a great way to earn FREE tickets to Krannert Center Shows!!! If you are interested in becoming a tour guide, keep reading to figure out how to achieve this prestigious position of Krannert Center Tour guide. And remember THERE IS NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The tours department will be holding ONE MORE certification nights this semester. The date for the certification is MONDAY FEBRUARY 9 AT 6:00 PM.

Also, for those certified tour guides out there, there are plenty of days that need a tour guide as of right now. Also, there are a few special tours already scheduled this semester. Those dates are:

March 5, at 1:00 pm. A group of 125 to 130 would like a tour. We will need 3 to 5 tour guides for this group. So if you can help that would be AWESOME!

And finally, there are some spots open on the KCSA Adboard in the tours department! If you are looking to take some kind of leadership position, build your resume, and/or have a great time, this is the place to do it! Also, there are great benefits for being on the Adboard. Just keep your eyes out for applications and deadlines in notes! Good luck with the beginning of the semester!!!

Upcoming info includes 40th Anniversary Reunion updates, "Chess the Musical" review, Art issues in the Press-How does the economy affect the performing arts and how does it impact Krannert?, Meeting reminders-KCSA important events, and Movie reviews-Taken and Fantastic Planet
Info from our Community Outreach Director, Elaine:

Attention fellow KCSA members: If you or any of your friends, family, or acquaintances are in some sort of cultural performance group and would like to perform in I-Fest, please email Elaine at ejwu3@uiuc.edu. International Fest will take place on Saturday, March 14th, in the lobby of Krannert. Performances, booths, food, and crafts make it a great event to bring arts to the community and campus! Also, if any of you are interested in helping out with the event either by helping to plan or on the day of the event, please email Elaine as well. Thanks!

Reminder: All ushers must be trained before their first show. You will not be able to usher if you haven't been trained. Please contact the ushering dept. at kcsa-ushering@kcpa.uiuc.edu for more information about training.


Supervisors, please remember that the supervisor meeting will be held February 18 in the AV room at 6p.m.

Ushers, registration will be closing February 12. You will all be receiving your shows in an email within a week of registration closing.

Ushering positions are available for the following shows:

578 Thu 2/12/2009 SOM: Wind Symphony and Symphonic Band 1 6:30pm FGH R

581 Thu 2/12/2009 THEATRE: Necessary Targets 6:45pm STH R

584 Fri 2/13/2009 SOM: Pacific Quartet 6:30pm FGH R

587 Fri 2/13/2009 THEATRE: Necessary Targets 6:45pm STH R

590 Sat 2/14/2009 SOM: Symphonic Band II and Concert Bands 1 6:30pm FGH R

593 Sat 2/14/2009 THEATRE: Necessary Targets 6:45pm STH R

596 Sun 2/15/2009 SALON: Louis Schwizgebel-Wang 1:45pm FGH R

Usher supervisors are needed for the following shows;

578 Thu 2/12/2009 SOM: Wind Symphony and Symphonic Band 1 6:30pm FGH R

584 Fri 2/13/2009 SOM: Pacific Quartet 6:30pm FGH R

590 Sat 2/14/2009 SOM: Symphonic Band II and Concert Bands 1

6:30pm FGH R

596 Sun 2/15/2009 SALON: Louis Schwizgebel-Wang 1:45pm FGH R

Thank you for ushering/supervising with us!


Thanks so much, as always, for volunteering with KCSA. Best of luck with your week and hope to see you all soon!



Vanessa Bordo, University of Illinois
Senior: International Studies, French
Krannert Center Student Association Secretary
French Dept. Research Assistant

Krannert Center Student Association
Room 2-402, Production Level
Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
Phone: 217-333-3550
Email: kcsa@uiuc.edu

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Chess the Musical Tonight! 2/7/09

Chess the Musical is in its final night, performing at the Armory Free Theater in Champaign at 7:30pm!

I will be there to check it out and give a full review. It is based on Chess players during the Cold War and has ABBA influences.

Best of all it's free!

Don't be late as I learned last fall that they close their doors on time.

Hope to see you there!