Monday, May 7, 2007

Profile: New Ushering AdBoard Member

Meagan Roloff

Major: Flute performance

Where I'm from: St. Charles, IL

Interests/hobbies: Music, both playing it and listening to it. I also practice obsessively. As far as none musical interests, I love reading and going to see movies.

Future career plans: I want to play either flute or piccolo in a major symphony or opera orchestra. I also want to teach private lessons, maybe at the collegiate level someday.

Why you joined KCSA/Adboard: I joined KCSA because my first semester I was not a music major and it seemed like a good way to keep connected to the arts. Now, I've joined Adboard because I think this is a great organization and I wanted to be more involved.

Favorite food: Anything that didn't come from the dining hall that I don't have to pay for!

Favorite color: blue

Favorite music: Oh dear don't get me started. The short list is anything flute related (especially 20th century sonatas and concerti), 20th century symphonic music, and anything by a dead Russian composer.

Other clubs: Well they aren't really clubs because technically I get course credit for them but I'm in Symphonic Band I and Women's Glee Club.

Personal quote/favorite quote:
"The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven."
~John Milton

Profile compiled by Lauren Mietelski

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