Wednesday, March 7, 2007

KCPA represent

We all know the Krannert Center is pretty cool...what we might not know is exactly how amazing it is. Wednesdays here on the Callboard Blog, we'll be posting info about the center, upcoming events, etc. So here's my personal two cents:

Let's start at the beginning. You walk in the center (front doors, elevators from parking garages, wherever.) What are the messages you see? Phrases like "being matters" and "come as you are, leave different" are the apparent mission statements. While their actual mission statement is:

{mission statement}

whether you read their website or just walk in, it's clear that they are committed to fostering an atmosphere of acceptance where you can relax, get excited, participate, be involved in your community, and just do whatever it is you'd like to do there. I am an advertising major, so maybe I am a bit sappy about all the marketing ploys, but you've gotta admit, these guys are good. Who else could take the act of existence and use it to better their image? "being matters" = GENIUS. I'm not mocking, I seriously enjoy this phrase and I feel comfortable in the center whether I'm dressed up for a show or in my pajamas, grabbing hot chocolate on the way to class. Being one of the only "high" culture venues in central Illinois, I think it's hard to pull off the balance the way they do, and I commend them for it.

While this blog will later delve into details about the center, I just wanted to comment on their image, their purpose, and their general sense of awe. I can't get enough.

Here's what happening this week in KCPA:

Upcoming Events
(Mar 7) Sherban Lupu, violin
(Mar 8) Krannert Uncorked
(Mar 8-11) A Chorus Line
(Mar 8-10) Studiodance I
(Mar 10) Art in Conversation with Susan Marshall
(Mar 10) Sinfonia da Camera
(Mar 10) Susan Marshall & Company
(Mar 11) Dessert and Conversation: A Chorus Line
(Mar 11) Jupiter String Quartet
(Mar 13) UI New Music Ensemble
(Mar 13) UI Wind Symphony and UI Symphonic Band I

(go to for a complete listing of these shows and their descriptions)

That's it for now folks,

Emma O'Brien, Callboard Director
Senior in Advertising
I still have 2 baby teeth!

post script - In 1997, Krannert Center's famed acoustics were recorded by Sonic Foundry for the company's sound editing software, Sound Forge. The samples are part of an acoustics modeler, a plug-in to the Sound Forge program that allows audio engineers to apply those acoustics to recorded sounds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ohmygoodness emma i still have two baby teeth tooooo!
