Wednesday, April 9, 2008

More Art Club Announcements!

Art Club Announcements:
1. Craft Fair
What: Mom's Day Craft Fair!
When: April 12th : 10am – 5pm. Load-in (7am-10am) and Load-out (5pm-8pm) are when we realllllllly need help, but anytime in between will also be really great!
Where: The lovely Illini Union
Why: a. Because we need you!
b. We need people to help out with face painting at one of our booths.
c. We need people to help vendors with load-in/load-out. Donuts will be available for Load-in helpers!
d. We need people to walk around, direct traffic, assist vendors with questions.

e. And also because we have 103 booths of fantabulous stuff you really want to check out!
2. Chalk Art contest
We will be offering our advise to the Chalk Art Contest designers or either April 22nd or 24th. Please let us know if you are interested or available either of those days. It would only be for about half an hour some time during the day.
3. T-Shirts
Meng is ordering t-shirts please contact him and let him know if you would like a t-shirt. They cost $10. Please bring this to the meeting next week or set up an alternate time to meet with him. All orders and money must be in by April 15th.
4. If there is no rain next week we will do splatter painting. We will try to have one large canvas for all of us to work on, which we will then donate to Carle Hospital. We will also have other paper available if you would like to make your own painting.
5. If you would like to make work or have work for Carl Hospital please let us know.
Art club

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